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This is and this website will have lots of fish info so if you are geting a pet fish I recumend you reed this. Also a store that you can get all types of fish inclinding Axolotls is Fish And Pets unlimited.

Gold fish 

Gold fish are super commen first fish pets and some people underestimate how dirty gold fish can be. Also Gold Fish only go good with few I recommend you dont to big of at tank or to small of a tank like a 5 to 10 gallon tank,so you dont have to clean the tank alot.

Betafish fish

Beta Fish

Beta Fish

Beta fish are also super commen fish and dont need somthing lots of fish tanks have.Beta fish dont need a filter thay mostly prefer calm waters.Also for a Beta Fish the temperature thay like is 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Zebra Danio

Zebra Danios are super cool and good fish,but if you get a Zebra Danio this is inportant you have to get at least 3 or more.The reason you have to get 3 or more is because thay stay in a group. Also dont put them in a small tank because if thay get stressed out thay will eat each others eyeballs,and then you will have blind fish swimming around.

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